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hottorch.gif (6811 bytes)The Sixteenth Annual
ITA Candidates' Forum, 2002!

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September 11 was set for our Candidates' Forum, and replaced our regular monthly meeting. As usual, it was open to the public, who are encouraged to attend and question the candidates.

ITA's 2002 Forum, Council Candidates respond.

Each guest at our candidate's forum receives instructions and a scorecard of candidates. If they are members of ITA, the scorecard also serves as a ballot for voting on ITA endorsements. Member or not, we invite comments and all are welcome to drop their sheets into the ballot box as they leave.

This year we heard from the City Council candidates first, followed by the Borough Assembly. Because we did not have the School Board Candidates, the forum only lasted 3 1/2 hours.

Each candidate was given one minute for an opening statement, after which they answered questions. They did not receive "canned" questions, but took questions from the audience, which is encouraged to participate.

One way in which our forum differs from others is that questions may be directed at one or more candidates, or the questioner may request that all the candidates for that seat (or all seats represented at the front) answer the question. There is no strict time limit set for questions for any particular seat, but when the audience seems satisfied, the candidates will be given 1 1/2 minutes for a closing comment, in the opposite order in which they gave their opening statements.

This year we discussed the city ballot proposition after the City Council Candidates were finished, then took a short dinner break (our members and friends bring finger foods and we have coffee and punch as well). After the Borough Assembly Candidates, we talked a little about the borough ballot propositions.  It generally takes about 5 minutes between groups to switch labels and candidates at the front of the hall. During that time guests are encouraged to help themselves to refreshments, coffee, and punch.

We ask those who must leave early to please slip out quietly so as not to disturb those candidates who are talking, and if they are ITA members, to please vote as much of their ballot as they can and drop it in the ballot box as they leave.

Candidates and their supporters should be warned: You may not hand out campaign literature of any kind during our forums. These are forums for meeting and learning about ALL the candidates in a neutral and non-partisan way, not to push those who thought to bring brochures, etc. We ask candidates to leave their campaign literature in their cars to save them and us the embarrassment of having to ask them to remove it.

The election for these seats and proposition was October 8, 2002. To find out other places you could have met candidates, click on our  Candidate's Schedule. We had a printer friendly clipout for you.

ITA Endorsements

City Council - John Shackley & Jeff Johnson
Borough Assembly - No endorsements for Seats D & E, Garry Hutchison for Seat J, and Bonnie Williams for Seat K.
We did not hear from the School District this year, so our members did not vote on endorsements. However, our Board of Directors is recommending Joseph Easaw for the School Board. He is the only one they feel comfortable endorsing.
City Charter Change, F-1 YES
Proposition 1, Bond, New Denali School? NO
Proposition 2, Bond, New Nordale School?
Proposition 3, Bond, District-wide Upgrades?
Proposition 4, Borough Revenue Cap?
Proposition 5, Snow Machine Powers? NO

Visit our Candidates' Schedule for more places to meet the candidates.

Don't forget, it all means little
unless you remember to vote October 8!

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Candidate endorsements on this Web Site are not authorized, paid for, nor approved by any candidate. ITA, as a non-profit organization, does not give money to candidates. ITA is solely responsible for the content of everything appearing on these pages unless otherwise noted. We believe in the truth and are proud of our research. We stand ready to back up anything we say here, with the originating documents if necessary. However, we will not be responsible for inaccuracies found in other's documentation.

Paid for by The Interior Taxpayers' Association, Inc. PO Box 71892, Fairbanks AK 99707,
Donna Gilbert, President  ITA Phone (907) 456-8031.
Last updated
 Saturday, October 31, 2009 Web Site maintained by ITA volunteers. Please send E-mail to   for problems found or suggestions.